Chocolate Malt

100 pair of dice wins next trophy

- Perfecta horse win = 5 pair of dice
- Inverse perfecta win = 2 pair of dice
- Pick top horse = 2 pair of dice
- Pick 2nd horse = 1 pair of dice
- Other contests as specified

Mary collects trophy for Champion Denim

Hints available for use!
Let Brian know when you want to use yoursS.
Available for races or contests

Marlene(3)  Anna(6)  Mark G(5)
Jon(3)   Jeff M(2)   Lisa(3)
  Olivia(8)    Stacey(2)    Eric(3) 
Mary(10)  Shawn(5)  Anne(3)

Special Hints (2nd/last horse winners for next race) 
Marlene 2   Dave 1  Mark 2

2 perfecta guesses
Eric (2)
Olivia (2)

Championship Horses

Horse champion owners will receive their trophies once their champion horses are done at the track so we'll have their total earnings.

They will also receive a trading card of their horse that will also be distributed to other members as prizes for their collection.

Horse Cents Tidbit

If you should happen to get a tangible Horse Cents coin for any reason, the value will be automatically added to your horse's cash.

If you turn it back into Brian, you will receive that value once again!

$500 off next horse purchase
Jeff W(4)    Shawn(3)
   Mark G  Mary  Dave

Horse Bets are $100
(50% off if you submit Mon-Wed)

1st: $900
2nd: $400
3rd: $100

Perfecta betting: $5

1st/2nd  $4000 (perfecta)
2nd/1st  $2000 (inverse perfecta)

Horse Owners

Horse finish earnings
Win: $600
Place: $300
Show: $150

Coupon Owners
Mary  4
Erik  3
Shawn 3
Jeff W  3
Jeff M  3
Dave  3
Stacey  2
Anne  2
Marlene  2
Jenn  2
Jon  2
Anna  1
Olivia  1
Chris  1