
Sorry, no prize

Trading Card
Gano Downs

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Sorry, no prize

Trading Card


Sorry, no prize

Sorry, no prize

Sorry, no prize

Steal a
pair of dice

Steal a
pair of dice
Simply pick a Lucky Bee number each week and see if you can light up a winner! (use special on wager)
Numbers will highlight a box. Press the B's to see how it works.  Highlights will update on the weekend.
History of
Gano Downs
Visit the great
Hall of Champions
Picture Match
Two pictures will be picked each week to win 1 pair of dice each. Pick a picture and put the code in with your wager under "special". To increase your odds you can pick a second picture and code it with a $ and the second letter - but it will cost you $50. 


You can browse the items below, but you can only purchase with a ticket!  All items $200 each - 1 purchase per ticket. Contact Brian to make a purchase. Tickets good for 2 weeks.
1 DIE - to help win the collection trophy
TRADE CARD - you choose the champ horse
HINT FROM BRIAN - listed on bulletin board
Trading Card Contest
If you see a card that you have in your collection that matches this one, tell Brian to receive the current prize.  If you have an autographed card (not your own) you get double the prize. Keep checking.The card and prizes change every now and then.
Current Prize:
Ticket Holders
Olivia (expires Oct 26)
Mark G (expires Oct 26)
Stacey (expires Oct 26)
Mary (expires Oct 26)
Erik (expires Oct 26)
Who is the one member who has never met Brian?
The names of Brian's 2 favorite parakeets.
How many order choices are there on Taco Tues?

Buddy & Moosh

Press buttons for answers


