1st Champion Horse at GDR
Flying Worm   Owner: Anna

First person
to earn $30,000
at this track.


Horses that didn't make
it at Gano Downs

C=299792458 m/s
Can Run
Misty Jr.
Sir Laughsalot
Dutton's Pride
Misty III
Misty the Third
Double Down
Misty Da Turd
Soaring Slug
Eat Mor Chiken
Slaughter III
Medium Rare
Jelly Roll
Anna accepts her award on behalf of Flying Worm.
First to collect 100 carrots contest winner.

Jeff W

First trading card published July 2022

Horse: Giddyup
Owned by Jeff W

History of
Gano Downs Raceway
Since January 1, 2022
Horse Cents Coins
Horses started their own currency to help earn prizes for their owners.
This is a picture of one of the first tracks used at GDR, before a newer technology used for races.
Most donuts contest
Mark G took home the hard fought trophy by collecting 100 donuts.

Gano Downs adopted a new technology which shows the horse names in the race videos automatically.

First to collect 100 horse stars MARY
Pretty in Pink holds records for most wins (9) and spent more than a year and a half at Gano Downs as a racer!
Owner: Mary

Jeff W earns 100 apples first to win this trophy (April 2024)
Zombie races take place on special occasions
(started April 15, 2024)
(ended July 4, 2024)
Oliver joins the staff in a game to guess #s from 1-50 without going over. Big prizes.