Misa Meadows
horse stables
Swift Revenge

This beautiful stallion has raced at 2 previous tracks and earned champion status at one. Likes to push his limit at the end of race.  Still a young, strong fighter.

Selling price: $2,450

She glides along at a steady pace with great determination according to her current owner.  Only selling her because I have too many horses.  She's spunky!

Selling price: $2,250
Morning Glory

Morning Glory is a younger horse with a lot of promise, but hasn't been tested in actual races yet.  Comes from a long line of champions and is raring to race!

Selling price: $2,100 SOLD TO JEFF M

This stallion has won more races than you might expect for this price and just might be the champion you need to earn yourself a trophy and trading card.

Selling price: SOLD TO ERIC
Jasper Jr.
Race horses for sale
Having trouble finding a new horse?  Look over what is available and maybe you'll find the right one to race at GDR.
Contact the track manager who serves as a liason with the previous owners to do business.

Owner just recently aquired this fine horse from another stable that was shutting down.  This was their top racing horse that they hated to sell at a discounted price.  Bargain passed 2 U

Selling price: $2,500

Jasper is a twin horse and turned out to be the stronger and most active one and took to racing right away.  Not totally proven yet, but has a lot of years ahead of him to prove what a racer he can be.

Selling price: $2,080