DIRECTIONS: The object of the contest is to try and pick out a place to go where the least number of people will be. You get 40 points for each day you are in the smallest group on your trip. 2nd smallest group gets you 20 points per day. In the event of a tie between 2 best places, all will receive 30 points. Each day you can pick out which of the 3 options you take for the next day. Some places will have free gifts to try and pursuade you to go there. If the place you go has pickpockets, you'll lose 4 points for each.
At the end of the contest, whoever has the most points collects 5 apples. 2nd place gets 4 apples, 3rd gets 3 apples, 4th gets 2 apples and 5th gets 1 apple. Contest will run for 14 days.